The CCHS Trust Fund
You Can Help
Through the generosity of individuals who staunchly believed in the goals of the CONFERENCE, the CCHS Trust was initiated. In just a few years, a $200,000 goal was reached. Only the earnings of the Trust go into the operating fund of CCHS to provide service to the member historical organizations of California.
Traditionally, income has been dependent on dues, but these alone cannot provide necessary funds to operate the CONFERENCE and provide needed services to members. The Trust income allows CCHS to become more effective in its service to member societies.
Cash Contributions. All gifts to the Trust can be mailed to the CCHS Treasurer at the CCHS address below. Contributions may be made as single gifts or as installments toward a larger goal. Please advise the Treasurer if your gift is intended as an installment toward a specific gift amount.
Non-Cash Contributions. Other contributions may be made in the form of stocks, bonds, mutual funds, mortgages, leases, or notes -- often with a considerable tax advantage to the donor. Under present law, direct transfer of securities allows the donor a charitable tax deduction of fair market value and eliminates the payment of capital gains tax.
Gifts of Honor
Gifts in any amount may be made in memory of those deceased or in honor of those living. Special events, anniversaries, gifts of appreciation and thanks may be recorded. Honorees are inscribed in the CCHS Trust Memorial Book with names of the donors listed. A card of acknowledgement is sent to whomever you specify.
The Honoree Program allows an organization to pledge $100 per year for a period of 10 years to honor an individual each year. Their name is inscribed in the memorial book and an acknowledgement is sent to them.
Gifts That Live On
IRAs. If you have an independent retirement account (IRA), you may wish to make the CONFERENCE final beneficiary, to receive any funds after you and your other beneficiaries no longer need them. You can name the CCHS Trust when the IRA is created, or your financial institution can add CCHS Trust to your existing IRA.
Life Insurance. Gift opportunities are in two categories: (1) existing policies in which original beneficiaries would no longer benefit, children are now independent, relatives are now deceased, or a business has ended; and (2) new policies. A designated beneficiary on an existing policy may be changed to CCHS by notifying the company in writing.
The CCHS Trust may also be named a secondary or final beneficiary to receive the proceeds in the event your first beneficiaries precede you in death. A new single payment policy or a time-payment policy may be taken for the express purpose of supporting the CONFERENCE. Proceeds from such policies are exempt from estate taxes if the assignment to CCHS Trust, a non-profit corporation, is made irrevocable. The premiums paid qualify as deductible for income tax purposes. Life insurance can make it possible to leave a sizable sum at a relatively small cost.
Your Will is a legal expression of your wishes: the document that acts for you in the distribution of your possessions. Remember the CCHS Trust in your will.
The following language is suggested:
"I give to the Trust of the CONFERENCE of the California Historical Societies, a not-for-profit corporation, the sum of $______" or "____% of my estate," or "all the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate."
It would be helpful if you were to notify the Trust Fund Chairman of your intention.
Please note that the CCHS Trust does not provide legal or tax advice. For matters concerning your will, it is recommended that you consult your attorney. Tax question should be handled by a qualified accountant.