Continued by the current President and first enacted by Andrea Blachman, President of CCHS (2016-2018), the President has the prerogative to call "Special Meetings." Under CCHS Bylaws Article V Section 5.03 the President may call Special Meetings at any time with the stipulation that he notify the membership at least 30 days in advance and "must specify the nature of the business to be transacted." Monthly Executive Committee (EC) meetings will be held via conference call, or internet by electronic meeting software (Zoom, etc.) and/or in person to discuss the business of the Conference and develop plans and recommendations for the Board. The EC as elected officers consists of the President, Immediate Past President, 1st and 2nd Vice Presidents, Secretary and Treasurer.
Note that this is a COMMITTEE. The EC can only make recommendations to the Board for their approval at the conferences.
Monthly Executive Committee meetings will continue until the membership is otherwise notified.