CCHS Standing Rules
Rule 1: Amendment
Rule 2: (RVP) Regions
Rule 3: Dues
Rule 4: Schedule of meetings
Rule 5: Financial arrangements applying to meetings
Rule 6: Meeting Guidelines
Rule 7: Genealogy breakfast
Rule 8: Distribution of periodicals
Rule 9: Annual Membership Questionnaire
Rule 10: Release of Membership Lists
Rule 11: CCHS Representation
Rule 12: Procedure for Nomination and Election of RVPs
Rule 13: Duties of Standing Committees*
Rule 14: Duties of Liaisons
*Guidelines for STANDING COMMITTEES (One separate sheet)
ARTICLE I: Name - The name of this organization shall be: CONFERENCE of California Historical Societies, Inc.
hereinafter called “the CONFERENCE” or, “CCHS”.
Section 2.01: Mission - The Mission of the CONFERENCE is the preservation of California history
by unifying and strengthening historical organizations throughout the State.
Section 2.02: Dedication of property - All property, assets, profits and net income of CCHS, located
within the State of California, are irrevocably dedicated to “charitable, educational and historical
purposes,” as that term is defined and interpreted for the purpose of California law. No part of
the profits or net income of CCHS shall inure to the benefit of any Officer, Director or Member
of CCHS.
ARTICLE III: Membership and Dues
Section 3.01: Active Membership shall be open to any historical or genealogical organization,
which is non profit and operating within the State of California.
Section 3.02: Associate Membership shall be open to any person or group who wishes to further
the objectives of CCHS, and is not otherwise eligible for Active membership. Categories of
Associate Membership include Individual, Life, Dual, Patron, Student, Association, Corporate,
and Complimentary.
3.02 A: Associations of Historical Societies whose primary function is to serve to improve
communication among historical organizations and coordinate efforts of multiple CCHS
Regional Vice Presidents in a given county or group of counties. Such Associations may
be accepted as Associate Members by approval of the Board of Directors of CCHS.
3.02 B: Corporate membership shall be open to any financial, business or professional firm
which desires to contribute materially to the aims and objectives of CCHS.
3.02 C: Life Membership shall be open to any individual who wishes to give financial
support to the aims and objectives of CCHS.
3.02 D: Complimentary membership may be conferred on any person, firm or organization
by vote of the Board of Directors upon recommendation of the Executive Committee.
Complimentary membership is not perpetual, but must be explicitly renewed annually.
3.02 E: Officers, Past Presidents and all other Board members enjoy the privileges of
Associate Membership in CCHS during their tenure; however, they are encouraged but
not compelled to contribute dues to reimburse CCHS for the expenses incurred.
Section 3.03: Dues for all categories of membership are set forth in the Standing Rules [Rule 3].
3.03 A: Membership Fiscal Year - The fiscal year for all paying members shall begin
on January 1; annual dues are due and payable on or before that date. For a member
joining after July 1, dues for the remainder of that year shall be reduced by one-half. A
member joining after November 1 shall be construed to be a fully paid member from the
time at which he/she joins through the following membership year.
3.03 B: Dues notices & delinquency - A member shall receive a notice of dues due and
payable sixty (60) days before the end of the calendar year; if dues are not paid prior to
the end of the calendar year, a second notice will be sent. If the delinquent member fails
to pay the dues within ninety (90) days after the mailing of the second notice, that
member shall be dropped from the mailing list.
Section 3.04: Resignation of any member may be effected by written resignation to the CCHS
Office or to the President. Resignation shall not relieve any member from the obligation to pay
dues, assessments or other charges owed to CCHS.
Section 3.05: Reinstatement of any member who has been suspended for non-payment of dues or
other financial obligations to CCHS may be effected upon payment of the dues or obligation.
ARTICLE IV: Officers
Section 4.01: Elected Officers of the CONFERENCE shall be: President,
President Elect/First Vice President, Second Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
Section 4.02: Election of Officers shall be by the general Membership, and shall take place in even-
numbered years at the Annual Membership Meeting.
Section 4.03: Duties of Officers
4.03 A: The President:
1. - shall be the chief executive officer of the CONFERENCE and shall preside over
all meetings of the Executive Committee, of the Board of Directors and of the
general Membership.
2. – shall appoint, with approval of the Executive Committee, an Administrator,
who shall serve as manager of the CCHS Office.
3. - shall appoint all members of the Board of Trustees, on recommendation of the
Board of Trustees and with the approval of the Board of Directors.
4. - shall appoint all Standing Committee chairs and Liaisons, with the approval of
the Board of Directors.
5. - shall have joint authority with the Treasurer to approve budgeted accounts of
the CCHS office exceeding $100. Such approval shall be stated in writing.
6. - shall be an ex officio member of all committees except the Nominations
7. - may appoint:
a. no more than three (3) additional voting members of the Executive
Committee (Advisors) and may designate the duties of each.
b. a Parliamentarian, who shall be a non-voting member of the Executive
Committee and of the Board of Directors.
c. a Media Director, who shall provide editorial direction of CCHS
publications and of any other media productions, and shall serve as a
chair of the Media Committee.
d. an Archivist, who shall maintain records of the past actions of the
CCHS, including but not limited to copies of minutes, committee
records, symposium invitations, Awards programs, and publications.
4.03 B: The President-Elect/First Vice President shall:
1. - automatically take office as President for the following term.
2. - serve as presiding officer over all meetings of the officers, of the Board of
Directors and of the general Membership, in the absence of the President.
3. - serve as chair of the RVP Council and as coordinator of the Regional Vice
Presidents (hereinafter called the RVPs).
4. - be responsible for collecting the RVP annual reports and submitting them to the
CCHS Office.
5. - nominate, at the Annual Meeting in even-numbered years, all Standing
Committee chairs for the following term of office, subject to the approval of the
6. - designate the Outstanding RVP of the year and present the Vice Presidential
Award at the annual Awards ceremony.
7. - be responsible for the ongoing training of RVPs and shall provide some form of
informational or instructional material at RVP Council meetings in conjunction
with meetings of CCHS.
8. - prior to the Spring Symposium in election years, inform the Nominations
Committee of his/her selection of any persons appointed to serve on the
Executive Committee.
4.03 C: The Second Vice President shall:
1. - serve as presiding officer in the absence of both the President and the President-
2. - see that the annual reports of Standing Committee chairs and Liaisons are
submitted to the CCHS office.
3. - perform such other duties as the Executive Committee shall designate.
4.03 D: The Secretary shall:
1. - be responsible for the recording of all meeting minutes of the Board of
Directors, of the Executive Committee and of the Membership, and for
roll call at each meeting.
2. - provide a written copy of meeting minutes required by the bylaws
within thirty (30) days of such meeting to the members of the
Executive Committee, and to the Administrator for such additional duplication
and distribution as the Executive Committee may direct.
4.03 E: The Treasurer shall work with the Administrator to:
1. - keep and maintain, or cause to be kept and maintained, correct accounts of the
properties and business transactions of CCHS, including accounts of its assets,
liabilities, receipts, disbursements, gains, losses, capital and surplus.
2. - deposit, or cause to be deposited, with the exception of the monies and other
valuables of the CCHS Trust, the deposit and disbursement of which is covered
in Article XII, monies and other valuables in the name and to the credit of the
CCHS with such depositories as may be designated by the Board of Directors.
3. - disburse, or cause to be disbursed, the funds of CCHS excepting those of the
CCHS Trust, as may be ordered by the Board and shall render, or cause to be
rendered, to the Board when requested, an account of all transactions as
Treasurer and of the financial condition of CCHS.
4. - present, or cause to be presented, a financial statement as of that date at the
Annual Meeting.
5. - have joint authority with the President to approve, in writing, any budgeted
accounts of the CCHS office exceeding $100.
6. - be a non-voting member of the Board of Trustees.
7. - make the books of account open for inspection by any director.
Section 4.04: Nomination and Election of Officers
4.04 A: The President-Elect/First Vice President nominee should be selected alternately
from the membership in the northern and the southern regions of the State.
4.04 B: North & South - For the purpose of determining membership in the northern and
southern portions of California, the line of demarcation shall be the northern boundaries
of San Luis Obispo, Kern and San Bernardino counties.
4.04. C: Presentation of nominees - Nominees for office and for Executive Committee
membership shall be presented to the Board of Directors at the Spring Symposium by
the Nominations Committee preceding submission of the slate to the Membership at the
biannual election meeting.
4.04 D: Nominations from the floor at the biannual election meeting may be made by any
voting member, providing the person nominated is eligible, has consented to nomination
and agreed to serve if elected.
Section 4.05: Term - All officers shall serve a term of two (2) years. The term of each officer
extends until a successor takes office.
Section 4.06: Succession - Officers are eligible to succeed themselves by re-election, with the
exception of the President and the President-Elect.
Section 4.07: Vacancies
4.07 A: President - In the event of a vacancy in the office of President, the President-Elect
shall serve as President.
4.07 B: President-Elect/First Vice President - In the event of a vacancy in the office of
President-Elect, the Second Vice President shall serve, but shall not thereby be
designated President-Elect.
4.07 C: Other officers
1. Vacancies in the ranks of officers other than President and First Vice President
shall be filled temporarily by appointment by the Executive Committee.
2. The Nominations Committee shall present name(s) of suitable nominee(s), and
election shall take place at the first meeting of the Board of Directors following
the occurrence of the vacancy.
ARTICLE V: Meetings of the Membership
Section 5.01: The Annual Membership Meeting shall be held during the Annual Meeting of CCHS
on a date and at a place designated by the Board of Directors.
Section 5.02: The Annual Meeting site and date
5.02 A. Site and date
1. Annual Meetings of CCHS shall be held in June each year, preferably at sites
in Northern California and in Southern California in alternate years.
2. The Board of Directors may change, by majority approval, the Northern
California/Southern California rotation of an Annual Meeting site.
5.02 B. Selection procedure for date and site is described in the Standing Rules.
Section 5.03: Special Meetings may be called at any time, for any purpose, by the President, the
Board of Directors, or by petition of any twenty-five (25) members in good standing.
Written notice of such a special meeting shall be given to the Membership at least twenty one (21)
days in advance and must specify the nature of the business to be transacted.
*If a Special Meeting is called, then ALL representatives listed below will be notified:
- Executive Committee – 6
- RVPs -(all) 40
- Past Presidents -(all)
- Editor of the Historian -1
- Chair of the Board of Trustees -1
- Each Standing Committee Chair –(all)
Section 5.04: Voting Privileges
A. Board of Directors
1. The voting members of the Executive Committee - 6, one (1) Past President (see Art. VI Sec 6.05), Editor of the California Historian and the Chair of the Board of Trustees shall each have one vote. The President may appoint up to seven (7) At Large Members to serve as Board Members. These members are to be approved as needed by the Board prior to Board Meetings.
- See 4.03A7a
If the Chair of the Trustees is not going to be present at a Conference or Meeting, then the Chair (in advance) may appoint a representative to take his or her place at this Board Meeting only. This representative shall be a member of the Trustees, subject to the approval of the President and the Board. This representative shall not currently hold another office on the Board.
Note: See Art. V Sec. 5.04A2 for voting privileges of Regional Vice Presidents; See Art. V Sec. 5.04A3 for voting privileges for Standing Committee Chairs.
2. The forty (40) Regions will be grouped into increments of eight (8) regions representing the state, with each increment entitled to one (1) vote each for a total of eight (8) votes.
- 40 Regions divided into segments of 5 (A: 1,2,3,4,5; B: 7,8,14,16,38; C: 6,9,11,13,35; D: 10,12,21,23,24; E: 15,17,18,19,22; F: 20,32,33,34,36; G: 30,31,37,39,40; H: 25,26,27,28,29) =8 RVP representatives.
- Term: RVP representatives may be elected, re-elected or replaced as needed at each Annual Meeting.
- See Art. VI Sec. 6.06: Vacancy
3. Each Standing Committee chair or chair-team shall have one vote, with the
exception of those co-chairs who are separately responsible for the Northern and for the Southern portions of the State, who shall each have one vote. If the Chair is not going to be present at a Conference, then the Chair (in advance) may appoint a Board at Large representative to take his or her place at this Board meeting only. This action is subject to approval of the President and the Board. This representative may not currently hold another office on the Board.
4. The Parliamentarian shall serve as a non-voting member of the Board, unless otherwise entitled to vote by virtue of an office or chairmanship held.
5. Voting Board Member List:
Executive Committee (one vote each) total=6
Past President =1
Editor of the Historian Magazine =1
Chair of the Board of Trustees =1
Combined Regional Vice Presidents =8
Each Standing Committee Chair =Varies
Board at Large Members (as needed-appointed by the President, approved by the Board) = up to 7
Section 5.05: Quorum – Twenty five (25) voting members in good standing shall constitute a quorum at any regular or special meeting of the Membership.
ARTICLE VI: Board of Directors
Section 6.01: Members of the Board of Directors (hereinafter called the Board) shall be (see Art V
Sec. 5.04A5):
The Executive Committee, Immediate Past President, Editor of the Historian, Chair of the Board of Trustees, Combined Regional Vice Presidents, Each Standing Committee Chair and up to 7 Board at Large Members. The Administrator shall attend Board meetings as a non-voting participant as directed by the Executive Committee.
Section 6.02: Powers
6.02 A: Corporate powers - All corporate powers, subject to limitations contained in the
Bylaws, the Articles of Incorporation, and/or the provisions of law requiring action to be
authorized or approved by the Membership, shall be exercised by or under the authority
of the Board. The business affairs of this organization shall be conducted, controlled and
managed under the control of the Board.
6.02 B: Standing Rules – The Board of Directors has the responsibility to amend the
Standing Rules of the CONFERENCE as needed. [Rule 11]
6.02 C: CCHS representation - No one shall presume to represent CCHS, and no one shall
commit CCHS in any way, unless authorized to do so by these Bylaws or Standing Rules
or by action of the Executive Committee.
Section 6.03: Meetings of the Board of Directors
6.03 A: Regular meetings
1. Regular meetings of the Board shall be held at the Spring Symposium, the
Annual Meeting, and the Fall Symposium.
2. Prior to the Annual Membership Meeting of CCHS, a regular meeting of the
Board shall be convened at the site of the Annual Meeting. Following the
Annual Meeting in election years, a meeting of the new Board may be convened
by the incoming President.
6.03 B: Special meetings of the Board may be called at any time by the President of CCHS
or by any three (3) directors.
6.03 C: Attendance
1. Each Board member, elected or appointed, is required to attend at least one
meeting each operating year, or that Board member may be replaced.
2. The failure of any Board member to attend three (3) consecutive Board meetings
shall constitute his/her resignation from the Board. However, such resignation
may be refused by the Executive Committee providing: (1) there was sufficient
reason for the absences; (2) all three absences were excused by advanced
communication with the President or with the CCHS Office; and (3) the resigned
member has indicated his/her future ability and intention to function actively as a
member of the Board.
3. The vice-chair of a Standing Committee may substitute at a Board meeting, as a
voting member, in the absence of the chair; if neither chair nor vice chair is able
to attend, a non-voting representative may be sent, but the chair is not thereby
considered present for attendance purposes.
4. Absence of a Board member must be excused by advance communication with
the President or with the CCHS Office.
6.03 D: Voting privileges - Voting privileges of Board members at Board meetings are as
set forth in Section 5.04 A of these bylaws, governing the voting of Board members at
meetings of the Membership.
6.03 E: Quorum - At any regular or special meeting of the Board, ten (10) members in
good standing shall constitute a quorum.
Section 6.04: Eligibility - Any individual Associate Member of CCHS in good standing, or any
member of an Active Member organization of CCHS in good standing, is eligible for nomination
to the Board. If a Board member ceases to be in good standing, his/her position on the Board
shall be forfeited.
Section 6.05: Term - The term of office of the CCHS Board of Directors shall be two (2) years.
A Past President’s Association (PPA) will be established, headed by the Immediate Past President
(IPP). The PPA will vote for a representative on the Board, subject to approval by the President
and the Board. The term may rotate every two (2) years in keeping with the terms of the Executive
Committee. If the representative is unable to attend the Conference or Meeting, the IPP may appoint
a Board at Large Member to serve as the PPA Representative for this meeting only. This
representative may be any Past President attending the Conference and not currently holding any
other office on the Board.
An appointed Director’s term shall begin when he/she is officially installed at the election year
Annual Meeting; the term shall end at the following election year Annual Meeting.
Section 6.06: Vacancy - Vacancies on the Board shall be filled by appointment by the President,
subject to approval by the Board. The 1st VP is to appoint the RVP representatives upon the
recommendation of the 8 Combined RVPs, subject to the approval of the President and the Board.
If the representative is not present at a Conference, then the 1st VP may appoint a representative
from the RVPs at the Conference to fill the vacancy on the Board for this meeting only, subject to
approval by the President and the Board. This representative may not currently hold another office
on the Board. See Art. V Sec. 5.04A2
ARTICLE VII: Executive Committee
Section 7.01: Members of the Executive Committee shall be: the elected officers, Media Director, the
immediate Past President, and no more than three additional voting members selected by the President.
The Parliamentarian, if appointed, shall be a non-voting member of the Executive Committee. The
Administrator shall attend meetings as a non-voting participant as directed by the President or by
the Executive Committee.
Section 7.02: Powers
7.02 A: Power to act for CCHS rests with the Executive Committee, within the limits of
these bylaws and established policies, subject to approval by the Board at the next Board
meeting and/or members at the Annual Membership Meeting.
7.02 B: Grants and Solicitation of Funds - No grant application or solicitation of funds shall
be made in the name of CCHS without approval of the Executive Committee of CCHS.
Report of any grant funds received shall be made to the Executive Committee. An
itemized written report of funds and grants in process shall be made to the Board at each
Annual Meeting. Upon completion of a grant or project an itemized report of the funds
expended shall be made to the Executive Committee.
ARTICLE VIII: CCHS Administrator
Section 8.01: Employment: The Executive Committee is authorized to employ the services of an
Administrator, whose express duties shall be specified by job description or by contract
with the Executive Committee. Such appointment is subject to Board approval at the
following Board meeting. The Administrator serves at the pleasure of the Executive
Committee and the position shall reflect that relationship.
Section 8.02: Duties of the Administrator shall include, but not be limited to:
8.02 A: Office management - the Administrator is the operational manager of the
CONFERENCE, and shall oversee the orderly routine of the CCHS Office operations.
8.02 B: Communications: The Administrator shall coordinate communications among
members of the Executive Committee, among members of the Board of Directors, and
between the Executive Committee and the Board.
8.02 C: Financial Responsibilities & Bookkeeping
1. - The Administrator shall be responsible for insuring that correct and accurate
accounts of receipts and expenditures of the CCHS office are recorded on a
monthly, quarterly, and annual basis.
2. - Reports of receipts and expenditure records shall be sent quarterly to each
member of the Executive Committee.
3. - Membership dues: the Administrator shall send dues notices to members as
outlined in Section 3.03 of these bylaws and notify RVPs of delinquent
members in their Regions.
4. - Work with the Treasurer as needed in the execution of that officer's duties.
8.02 D: Assist, as directed by the Executive Committee, in matters relating to or of benefit
ARTICLE IX: Regional Vice Presidents
Section 9.01: CONFERENCE Regions are set forth in the standing rules [Rule 2].
9.01 A: Purpose - For the purposes of member representation and service, the Board shall
divide the State of California into Regions, each with an RVP.
9.01 B: New Regions - The Board may create, consolidate or divide Regions as needed, at
any meeting of the Board.
Section 9.02: Function and Duties
9.02 A: Liaison - RVPs shall perform liaison functions between members in their respective
Regions and CCHS.
9.02 B: Society formation - RVPs shall assist in the formation of historical societies or
organizations in their Regions.
9.02 C: History Day - RVPs shall actively encourage the member-organizations in their
respective Regions to participate in History Day in California through promotion of the
annual event and assistance to students with research and evaluation of the year’s
National History Day theme.
9.02 D: RVPs shall solicit membership in CCHS among the historical organizations in their
9.02 E: Membership dues - RVPs shall contact delinquent members upon receipt of
delinquency notice from the CCHS office, and endeavor to secure payment.
9.02 F: Annual report - RVPs shall prepare written annual reports on meetings, conferences
and activities in their Regions, to be sent to the CCHS Office for filing with the minutes
of the Annual Meeting.
9.02 G: Other duties - RVPs will perform such other duties as the President or the
Executive Committee may call upon them to perform.
Section 9.03: Election
9.03 A: Nomination and election procedures are described in the Standing Rules [Rule 12].
9.03 B: Appointment - If no candidate nominee is selected elected from a Region, the
President-Elect shall appoint that RVP with approval of the RVP Council.
9.03 C: Installation - having been duly elected to the Board by their respective Regions, or
appointed by the President-Elect, RVPs shall be installed at the biannual election
meeting of CCHS.
9.03 D: Eligibility - The office of RVP may be filled by an individual or by a team of two
(2) members of CCHS, who shall enjoy the privileges of Associate Membership during
Section 9.04: RVP Council
9.04 A: Purpose - the purpose of the RVP Council shall be to promote and to facilitate
cooperation and communication among RVPs, and between RVPs and CCHS.
9.04 B: Membership - all RVPs shall be members of the RVP Council; the President-
Elect shall serve as chair of the RVP Council.
9.04 C: Meetings - the RVP Council shall have a meeting at the Annual Meeting of CCHS
and at each of the two yearly Symposiums, and shall meet at such other times as may be
designated by the President-Elect. Reports presented by individual RVPs should be
restricted to those events and projects which may serve as examples for other Regions.
9.04 D: Powers – the RVP Council may pass resolutions; may send recommendations
to the Executive Committee for consideration; and may, after being placed on the
meeting agenda, present one or more motions to the Board.
ARTICLE X: Committees and Liaisons
Section 10.01: Standing Committees
10.01 A: Defined - Standing Committees and their purposes shall be:
1. Awards - to solicit and review nominations for awards, and present awards at the
Annual Meeting.
2. Bylaws - to see that the bylaws and standing rules reflect the current needs of
CCHS; to review suggested changes and recommend amendments; to provide
a CCHS Handbook with copies of the bylaws, standing rules, and other useful
information and guidelines for members of the Board of Directors.
3. Education – to promote the teaching of California history at all school levels; to
promote, develop and encourage History Day projects and activities in California
schools, to arrange to have CCHS representatives serve as judge(s) at the
annual California State History Day and present CONFERENCE awards to
History Day activities within their communities.
4. Media - to establish publication standards and to serve as an editorial board for
all publications and media productions of CCHS.
5. Nominations - to solicit and review candidates, and present one or more
nominees for each CCHS office.
6. Site & Times - to solicit host organizations for Symposia and Annual Meetings;
to review meeting plans to see that host organizations make provision for
necessary CCHS business meetings and functions.
7. Ways & Means - to assess and implement ways to generate funds for CCHS; to
arrange for opportunity drawings at CCHS gatherings.
10.01 B: Duties of Standing Committees are set forth in the Standing Rules [Rule 13].
10.01 C: Appointment/Election
1. Chairs or co-chairs of all Standing Committees except the Nominations
Committee are appointed by the President-Elect and elected to the Board
by the Membership at the biannual election meeting.
2. The chair and two (2) additional members of the Nominations Committee
shall be appointed by the President-Elect. The committee shall be elected by the
Membership at the biannual election meeting; the committee chair shall
become a member of the Board upon election.
3. A committee chair shall keep a record of committee activities and submit a
written report to the CCHS Office two weeks before the Annual Meeting..
Section 10.02: Special Committees
10.02 A: Creation - The President may create special (ad hoc) committees at any time. The
chair of a special committee shall not be a member of the Board by virtue of that
appointment. Special committees report directly to the President.
10.02 B: Termination - Special committees shall automatically terminate at the close of the
term in which they were appointed or at the termination of the project to which they were
Section 10.03: Liaisons
10.03 A: Defined - Liaisons are individuals or two-person teams. He/she/they shall
maintain membership in good standing in both the CONFERENCE and in the other
organization represented.; failure to do so shall constitute resignation from the office.
10.03 B: Appointment/Election - The President, with the consent of the Executive
Committee, may appoint liaisons to provide a formal channel of contact with and
affiliation to the CONFERENCE and other organizations which, in the Executive
Committee’s determination, closely share the common goals and objectives of promoting
appreciation for California’s history. Liaisons are presented to the Board for election to
the Board at the next Board meeting following appointment.
10.03 C: Liaison shall be maintained with the organizations so listed in the Standing Rules.
10.03 D: Duties of Liaisons are set forth in the Standing Rules [Rule 14].
Section 11.01: Name - The name of the CONFERENCE trust shall be "the CCHS Trust," hereinafter sometimes called "the
Section 11.02: Purpose - The purpose of the CCHS Trust is to receive funds/property on behalf of
the Trust, and to manage the same to provide income to carry out the mission of CCHS. For tax
purposes, the Trust income/loss may be considered to be combined with that of the
Section 11.03: Board of Trustees
11.03 A: Members - The Board of Trustees shall consist of five (5) trustees. The Treasurer
and the Administrator of the CONFERENCE shall be a non-voting members of the Board
of Trustees.
11.03 B: Appointment of Trustees
1. Initial appointment - The first five trustees shall, with the approval of the Board
of Directors, be appointed by the President: one to serve for a term of one (1) year, one to serve for a term of two (2) years, one to serve for a term of three (3) years, one to serve for a term of four (4) years, and one to serve for a term of five (5) years.
2. Subsequent appointments - Each year, the Board of Trustees shall nominate a
successor trustee for the coming five-year term, to be appointed by the President
with the approval of the Board of Directors.
3. Replacement - In case of the death, resignation, removal or disability of a trustee,
the President shall, with approval of the Board of Trustees, appoint a successor
to serve for the unexpired term.
4. Chair - The Board of Trustees, at the beginning of the operating year, shall
designate one of their members to serve as Chair for that year.
11.03 C: Eligibility - All trustees shall be CONFERENCE members, and should any trustee
cease so to be his office shall be vacated thereby.
11.03 D: Compensation - Trustees shall serve without compensation.
11.03 E: Removal - The Board of Directors of the CONFERENCE, by a three-fourths (3/4)
vote, may remove any trustee for good and sufficient cause, provided notice of the time
and place of the meeting at which they propose to take action shall first be given to all of
the trustees, and provided that the trustee whom it is proposed to remove shall be given
an opportunity to be heard at such meeting.
Section 11.04: Powers of Trustees
11.04 A: Title to property - The title to all property of the CCHS Trust shall be vested in the
five trustees and their successors.
11.04 B: Administration of Trust
1. Gifts - The Board of Trustees may accept on behalf of the Trust any contribution,
gift, bequest or devise for the general purpose of the Trust.
2. Treasurer - The Board of Trustees shall direct the Treasurer of the
CONFERENCE as to the deposit and disbursement of all monies and other
valuables which are the property of the Trust.
3. Powers of Trustees - In administering the property of the Trust, unless otherwise
specifically provided by the terms of the gift, devise or bequest, the Trustees
shall have the powers to:
a. - sell, lease, transfer or exchange all or any part of said property at such
prices and upon such terms and conditions and in such manner as they
deem best;
b. - execute and deliver any proxies, powers of attorney or agreements that
they may deem necessary or proper and that they be permitted by law;
c. - invest and reinvest in such loans, securities or real estate as they may
deem suitable for the investment of trust funds, irrespective of any law
now or hereafter in force limiting the investments of trust funds is made
may permit.
11.04 C: Single trust - Except as otherwise provided in these bylaws or by the terms of the
gift, devise or bequest, the Board of Trustees shall hold, invest, manage and administer
all property as a single trust.
11.04 D: Disbursement
1. Disbursement of income - The Board of Trustees shall expend the income of the
CCHS Trust for the furtherance of the purposes of the CONFERENCE.
2. Restriction of property - No part of the corpus of the Trust, except for a purpose
specifically prescribed by the donors or testators, shall be expended except as
specified below [11.04 E and F]:
11.04 E: Loans to the CONFERENCE - The Trust may make short and medium term loans
to the CONFERENCE to cover short and medium cash flow needs of the
1. Terms of loans to the CONFERENCE
a. - a loan shall not exceed five (5) years in length.
b. - interest rate on a loan shall not exceed prime + 3%, nor be less than
c. - repayment of a loan shall begin within six (6) months of the loan being
d. - at no time shall the CONFERENCE debt exceed 20% of the Trust
2. Loan acquisition process
a. - the Executive Committee shall approve a motion to ask the Board of
Trustees for a loan for a specified amount, and may suggest an
appropriate repayment plan.
b. - the Board of Trustees shall approve or deny the loan request. If the
request is approved, the Trustees shall set the terms and conditions of
the loan (interest rate, repayment length, amount loaned).
c. - the Board of Directors shall vote to approve or disapprove the loan as
presented, with all its terms and conditions; the latter are not negotiable.
1) members of the Board of Directors shall be notified at least
fifteen (15) days prior to vote.
2) the vote to approve the loan shall require a two-thirds (2/3)
majority of all Board members.
3) signed write-in votes may be accepted up to one week following
the meeting at which the vote is taken.
11.04 F: Employment of advisory and management personnel - The Board of Trustees may
select and employ in and about the execution of the Trust suitable accountants, auditors,
agents and attorneys, including the employment of a trust company or trust companies to
whom may be delegated, with the right of revocation reserved, such powers in managing
and investing the trust estate as the trustees may deem advisable, and as the laws of the
jurisdiction may permit, and to pay their reasonable compensation and expenses; and the
trustees in no event are to be held liable for any neglect, omission, or wrong-doing of
such accountants, auditors, agents or attorneys, provided reasonable care shall have been
exercised in their selection.
11.04 G: Promotion - The Trustees shall actively promote the CCHS Trust, and encourage
donations from both individuals and organizations.
Section 11.05: Responsibility
11.05 A: Waiver of bond - The trustees shall not be required to give bond for the faithful
performance of the Trust, any such bond required by any jurisdiction being waived.
11.05 B: Liability - The trustees, save for their own gross neglect or willful default, shall
not be liable for any loss or damage to the Trust.
Section 11.06: Meetings
11.06 A: Regular meetings - A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees shall be held
during and at the same place as the Annual Meeting of the CONFERENCE. The Board
of Trustees may provide by resolution the time and place for holding of additional
11.06 B: Special meetings - Special meetings of the Board of Trustees may be called at the
request of the Chair or of any three (3) trustees. Notice of any special meeting shall be
given at least fifteen (15) days previous thereto by written notice; if mailed, such notice
shall be deemed to be delivered when deposited in the United States mail.
ARTICLE XII: Parliamentary Authority
Rules of Order: The rules contained in the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order, Newly
are not Revised shall govern the CONFERENCE in all cases to which they are applicable, and in which
they inconsistent with the bylaws or standing rules of this organization.
ARTICLE XIII: Amendment of Bylaws
Section 13.01: Amendment by the Membership - These bylaws may be amended by a two thirds
(2/3) vote of the CONFERENCE members present and eligible to vote at the Annual
Membership Meeting or at a special membership meeting, providing written notice to amend the
bylaws is given to the membership at least twenty one (21) days prior to such a meeting.
See Art. V Sec. 5.03
Section 13.02: Amendment by the Board of Directors - These bylaws may also be amended by a
two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Board of Directors at any regular or special meeting. Such action by
the Board is subject to the approval of the members at the Annual Membership Meeting.
ARTICLE XIV: Dissolution
Upon the dissolution of the CONFERENCE, the Board of Directors, in this situation acting as a
Board of Trustees, shall be governed by Paragraph 2, B of the Certificate of Amendment of the
Articles of Incorporation of the CONFERENCE of California Historical Societies, executed at
Stockton, California on September 25, 1974.
CCHS Standing Rules (Revised 2015)
Rule 1: Amendment. Standing Rules may be amended by the Board of Directors at any Board meeting without prior notice [Bylaws, Art VI, 6.02B]
Rule 2: Regions. For purposes of the CCHS administration and member representation, the State of California shall be divided in the following regions [Bylaws, Article IX]
- Redwood Empire -- Del Norte, Humboldt
- Mendo Lake – Lake, Mendocino
- Shasta, Siskiyou, Trinity
- Range and River – Butte, Colusa, Glenn, Tehama
- Northeast Corner – Lassen, Modoc, Plumas
- Sonoma – Marin
- Goldfield Gateway – Sacramento, Yolo
- Sierra Gateway – Nevada, Placer, Sierra, Sutter, Yuba
- San Francisco County
- San Mateo County
- Contra Costa County
- Santa Clara County
- Alameda County
- North San Joaquin Valley – Merced, San Joaquin, Stanislaus
- Mid-State – Fresno, Madera, Mariposa
- South Mother Lode – Amador, Calaveras, Tuolumne
- San Bernardino County, High Desert/Part of LA County, Lancaster, Palmdale
- Sierra Nevada – Alpine, Inyo, Mono
- Inland Empire – South San Bernardino County
- Low Desert – Riverside County
- Monterey, San Benito, Santa Cruz
- Black Gold – Kern, Kings, Tulare
- Central Coast Counties – San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara
- Ventura County
- Mission San Fernando/Part of LA County, San Fernando Valley
- Santa Monica Bay/Part of LA County
- Central Los Angeles/Part of LA County
- West San Gabriel Valley/Part of LA County
- East San Gabriel Valley/Part of LA County
- San Gabriel River/Part of LA County
- Rancho San Pedro/Part of LA County
- North Orange County – North of Santa Ana River
- South Orange County – South of Santa Ana River
- San Diego County
- Napa/Solano
- Imperial County
- Southwest Los Angeles County
- El Dorado County
- Long Beach/Part of LA County
- Arroyo Seco/Part of LA County
Rule 3: Dues [Bylaws, Article III, 3.03]
a) Annual Dues – shall be assessed as follows
Historical Societies
-Fewer than 50 members – $40
-51 – 300 members - $50
-301 – 700 members - $55
-701 + members - $65
Genealogical Societies: dues as for Historical Societies, above.
Libraries and Museums - $40
Volunteer organizations of government – operated sites - $40
Individual -- $40
Dual (two adults at same address) -- $50
Student (under 20 years) -- $20
Young Historian organizations (members not beyond high school) -- $25
Area Associations of historical organizations, libraries & museums -- $35
Corporate -- $500
b) Life Membership is a form of Associate Membership, open only to individuals at
- a one-time fee of $500, or
- Payment of three installments of $200, $150 and $150; full payment must be completed within a 25-month period.
Although fees for Life Membership are placed in the CCHS Trust, these fees may not be considered part of any other donation program to the Trust.
Rule 4: Schedule of meetings:
a) Annual Meeting – held each year in June [Bylaws, Article V, 5.02-A]
b) Symposiums – held alternately in the northern and southern parts of the state whenever possible. The Spring Symposium shall be held in late February or early March; the Fall Symposium shall be held in late September or early October [Bylaws, Article VI, 6.03]. This north/south rotation may be changed with approval of the Board.
c) Workshops – may be held at locations and times as approved by the Executive Committee.
Rule 5: Financial arrangements applying to Meetings
a) Complimentary expenses – The host organization shall provide complimentary registration, meeting meals, excursion and lodging for the President of the CONFERENCE and for the Administrator or his/her designated representative. The President may waive any or all complimentary expenses by so notifying the host organization at least ninety (90) days in advance of a meeting.
b) Division of net proceeds – The host organization shall contribute no less than one-half of the net proceeds to CCHS. CCHS shall not be responsible for any deficits.
Rule 6: Meeting Guidelines [Bylaws, Article V, 5.02; Article VI, 6.03-A]
Every RVP shall be provided with a copy of Guidelines: How to Host. Each prospective meeting host-organization shall be provided with a current copy of How to Host a Symposium or How to Host an Annual Meeting, whichever is appropriate. The instructions contained therein shall be followed unless permission is secured from the Site & Times Committee to make changes.
Rule 7: Genealogy breakfast – The program of each Annual Meeting shall include a breakfast with a family history program.
Rule 8: Distribution of periodicals:
a) The California HISTORIAN shall be distributed to each category of membership according to the following schedule:
Active Members: Each organization shall receive 2 copies, 1 copy each to the president and to the newsletter editor. Additional copies may be sent if requested, not to exceed:
To organizations of 50-300 members – 1 additional copy; and
To organizations of 300 or more members – 2 additional copies.
Associate Members: 1 copy per membership.
RVPs: 1 copy each (or more, as requested), for membership promotion.
Members of the Board of Directors not included above: 1 copy each.
b) California HISTORIAN subscriptions (3 issues) shall be available at $30/year to public libraries, school and university libraries; and to such persons, libraries, institutions or organizations as the Executive Committee may designate. Subscribers to the magazine are not entitled to any other CCHS mailings; subscribers are welcome to attend meetings, but may not vote nor enjoy any other privilege of membership.
Rule 9: Annual Membership Questionnaire [Bylaws, Article III, 8.02-A]
a) The CCHS office shall send to each member-organization a Questionnaire when that organization first joins CCHS, and each year thereafter;
-a second Questionnaire shall be sent to any organization not returning the completed form within one month; and,
-if the requested information has not been received after two months, the RVP of that organization’s Region shall be asked to assist in obtaining the necessary information.
b) The CCHS office shall file the initial Questionnaires as part of a permanent membership record. Subsequent questionnaires may be discarded as replaced with updated information; however a record of the year of joining CCHS shall be kept.
c) Upon election or appointment, each incoming RVP shall be furnished by the CCHS office with copies of the current annual Questionnaire submitted by each organization within his/her Region. This information should be kept current by the RVP, who will notify the CCHS office as subsequent changes, deletions, and additions occur.
Rule 10: Release of Membership Lists
a) The current list of Active Members (societies, libraries, and museums) may be released at cost only at the discretion of the President, or of the Executive Committee.
b) The list of individual Associate Members may not be released except as directed by the Executive Committee, however:
- A copy of the membership mailing labels may be obtained at cost by any CCHS meeting host-organization for the purpose of mailing the meeting announcements
CCHS Board members shall each receive a copy of the annual roster, but are subject to the restrictions in a), above.
Rule 11: CCHS Representation [Bylaws, Article VI, 6.02-B]
a) The President is the chief executive officer [Bylaws, Article IV, 4.03 A-1] and official representative of the CCHS, and is authorized at all times to represent CCHS, consistent with the goals and objectives set forth in the bylaws. [Bylaws, Article II].
b) RVPs, on matters or issues within the boundaries of their respective Regions, are authorized to represent CCHS as officials of that body, consistent with the bylaws [Bylaws, Article II]. After exercising such discretionary authority, the RVP shall forward within 15 days to the CCHS office a brief written report of the action taken and provide copies of any correspondence or other relevant documents. No RVP shall so act within another RVP’s Region, without permission of that Region’s RVP.
c) No other person (officer, chairman, Active or Associate Member of CCHS) may purport to represent CCHS officially on any specific issue or circumstance without receiving permission to do so from the President or from the Executive Committee.
d) No person may enter into any agreement or contract in the name of CCHS without the approval of the Executive Committee.
e) All acts of representation of CCHS as permitted above are subject to review by the Board of Directors, which has the ultimate authority for determining CCHS policy on any matter or issue relevant to CCHS goals and objectives.
Rule 12: Procedure for Nomination and Election of RVPs [Bylaws, Article IX, 9.03]
a) Nomination – In even-numbered years, the Nominations Committee, through the CCHS office, shall solicit nominations for office of RVP in each Region:
- A letter or e-mail message shall be sent to each RVP, asking if that RVP wishes to have his/her/their name(s) placed on the ballot for the coming term. An RVP will not be considered a nominee for another term unless so declaring no later than the date specified in the letter/e-mail.
- A letter or e-mail message shall be sent to all Active Member organizations in each Region: (1) enclosing a copy of the recommended duties of an RVP; (2) stating the nominee for the coming term; (3) inviting additional nominations, specifying that any additional nominee must be eligible and willing to serve, and requiring that such nomination be submitted by the specified date.
b) Election – For each Region with more than one RVP nominee, a ballot with names of all nominees for that Region shall be submitted to all Active Member organizations in that Region; each Active Member organization shall have one vote. A majority vote of those replying by a specified date shall elect; in the case of a tie vote, the CCHS President-Elect, as chair of the RVP Council, shall cast the deciding ballot. In the case of only one nominee, that nominee shall be considered elected by a unanimous ballot.
c) Appointment – If a Region fails to elect, it is the responsibility of the President-Elect to appoint an RVP for that Region.
Rule 13: Duties of Standing Committees – The CCHS Office shall maintain Guidelines for the general responsibilities of all committees and Guidelines for each specific committee [Bylaws, Article X, and Section 10.01 B]
a) Each person selected as a committee chair shall receive a copy of the Guidelines for the general responsibilities of all committees and Guidelines specific to that particular committee prior to acceptance of the nomination, or within 30 days after assuming the office [Bylaws, Article IV, Section 4.01 A-4]
b) Each committee that is allowed an annual budget to cover expenses must submit an itemized budget for approval by the Executive Committee. Reimbursement for approved expenditures will be made by CCHS.
Rule 14: Duties of Liaisons – The CCHS Office has Guidelines to the general responsibilities of all Liaisons and Guidelines for each individual liaison position [Bylaws, Article X, Section 10.03 B]. Each person selected for a position of liaison shall receive a copy of the Guidelines for all liaisons and a copy of Guidelines specific to that position prior to acceptance of the liaison appointment, or within 30 days after assuming the office [Bylaws, Article IV, 4.03 B-4].