The Butte County Historical Society was founded in 1956. Its mission is to preserve Butte County’s rich and varied history, making it engaging and meaningful for all. The Society publishes a periodical, Diggins, and a newsletter, Slickens.
Website: https://buttecountyhistory.com/
Upcoming Events
September 21: The Story of Alvin Coffey with Nancy Leek, 1:00 p.m., Museum History Center.
October 19: John Rivers on the Black Migration to Butte County, 1:00 p.m., Museum History Center.
November 16: Rancho Golden Development, Mark Karr, 1:00 p.m., Museum History Center.
December 14: Holiday Open House, 11:00-3:00, Museum History Center
February 22 and 23: Museum Open House (countywide)
June 21: 14th Annual Olive Festival
For further information, please see the Society website.