Jill Kearney commented on June 1, 2020 - Placerville
2020-07-08 14:11:50 -0700
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I totally agree with Kris on when to visit Placerville! Any time of the year.
You find so many links to California State History in Placerville and EL Dorado County. Just like a description from a pamphlet from the 1890’s, “Placerville, Queen of the Mountains.”
You find so many links to California State History in Placerville and EL Dorado County. Just like a description from a pamphlet from the 1890’s, “Placerville, Queen of the Mountains.”
Jill Kearney commented on June 22, 2020 - South San Francisco
2020-07-08 14:02:37 -0700
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Very interesting! I had the opportunity by complete chance of un-foreseen events and an imaginative Garmin, to be driving from Redwood City all the way up and on over the Golden Gate through this area. It was early in the lock-down so the traffic was nil. Could not stop and check things out, but would love to go back and check it out more some time. So much history of the state wrapped up in one area.
Jill Kearney commented on July 6, 2020 - Visalia
2020-07-08 13:52:54 -0700
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great! Love the history on the surviving buildings!
Jill Kearney commented on Archives
2020-06-10 20:39:14 -0700
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Nice! thank you Kris for the neat nuggets of History!