Janis O'Farrell Miller
Topic: A Discussion with a Descendant of Jasper O'Farrell
Janis is a life member of the California Pioneer Society and the great granddaughter of Jasper O'Farrell. She has helped with the research of many history books such as "California History - Jasper O'Farrell - Bear Flag Revolt" by Geoffry P. Mawn. She has also helped with the research for a soon-to-be published book on her great grandfather, Jasper O'Farrell by Frank Baumgardner.
Gloria Triggs Roberts
Topic: An Overview of Sebastopol and Western Sonoma County
Gloria is the President of the Western Sonoma County Historical Society. She is a fourth generation Californian and a third generation Sebastopolian. Gloria has her Master's Degree in Education and taught for 30 years in the west county. Since her retirement, she has done much research in local history and worked on exhibits at the local museum.
Hank Birnbaum
Topic: The History and Grandeur of Fort Ross
Hank has over 30 years of experience in the Russian-American exchange and cultural interpretation, 15 of those years in Siberia. SInce his return to America, he has served for seven years at Fort Ross, first as a California State Park Interpretative Specialist/docent and now as the Programs Manager and English and Russian language guide with the Fort Ross Conservancy. He holds an M.S. in Resource Recreation and Tourism.
John Schubert
Topic: The Russian River Region
John is a native of San Francisco and a permanent resident of the Russian River Area. He graduated from Sonoma State College with a degree in Anthropology with his focus on the Kashaya Pomo. He has been a historian since 1960, producing four books about the Russian Area. John has served two terms as President of the Sonoma County Historical Society and is currently serving on the
board of directors.